Sensual touch



 An intimate 8-week deep dive immersion for women to discover self-love, embodiment, and sensual touch to really discover your deepest desires in your life and body.


The Empowered
  • Feeling magnetic because you have an errotic glow
  • Feeling a sense of gratitude because you finally believe in yourself and others
  • Being more intentional with your energy 
  • Oozing with confidence while being a better friend, partner and mother
  • Experiencing more pleasure in your body
  • Feeling so connected to Spirit that it leads you in the direction of your life
  • Being so embodied with pleasure that you are living in your truth and voicing your needs to those around you
  • Taking aligned action on the big dreams and desires in your life
  • Experiencing more energy and aliveness throughout your body
  • Having more love to give to yourself and your lover or partner

A 8-week transformative journey


Loving Yourself More
  • When you look in the mirror, you can’t help but nit pick all of your insecurities
  • When you sensually dance with yourself, you feel really uncomfortable with yourself
  • When you touch your breasts or yoni, you feel an immense overwhelm of shame and guilt around feeling pleasure 
  • Feeling lots of anxiety about the past and future
  • You are struggling to be a better good friend, partner, mother and want to show up better for those around you
  • You struggle using your authentic voice and are ready to fully share your truth
  • You don’t have any inner peace within yourself

And now the time…

You’re ready to step into your path as an empowered woman

Current reality

This is your
  • Tap into your self-image practices that allow you to fall in love with yourself 
  • Discover the practices on rewriting a love story with your body
  • Connect to your Inner Child and Heal Your Relationship to Her

  • Discover the secrets of moving energy through embodiment that will have you feeling super confident and in your power
  • Nurture your body with massage rituals
  • Develop a practice of stepping into your own power through breath work
  • Use Menstral Cycle Syncing to Connect with Your Body

  • Learn how to have fun with yourself more by diving into sensual dance and play
  • Learn how to touch your body intentionally and feel good doing it
  • Nurture your body with pelvic floor yoni practices
  • Connect to your Womb Space and Your Breasts


In 8 weeks, I'll walk you through 3 steps


sensual touch

  • Feel more energy and aliveness throughout your whole system
  • Have more love to give to yourself and/or your lover or partner
  • Leave society’s standards way of living and live the way you truly desire to live your life
  • Have more energy to be a better friend, partner and mother
  • Trust your body and others around you
  • Leave relationships that are no longer serving you and step into more empowered relationships
  • Wake up with a heart full of love because you’ve taken aligned action on your path
  • Have an embodiment practice that will help you ground your spirituality 
  • Be more authentic to yourself and others
  • Experience so much confidence in yourself that you will feel grounded to set boundaries and speak your truth

By the end of the empowered woman, You will…

Click Through The 3 Chapters to See Your Results, What's Included and My Story

60 minute weekly calls
Access online community via FB
Extra mentorship support through Telegram Tuesday -Thursday 

What's included
I’m Káti and I know exactly what it feels like to want to experience more freedom, aliveness and empowerment in my life.

I was in a sexless marriage and was completely disconnected to my own sexuality. Since I was a little girl, I was told to save sex for marriage and there was always so much shame around experiencing pleasure in my body.

I was so disconnected to my body and felt defeated in my marriage. I only felt sexually safe around women and so I left my marriage.

It wasn’t until after my divorce I went on a journey of self-discovery of learning my own body, the way it opens up and had multiple sexual awakenings.

 A. I started learning about embodiment, vocal activation, breathwork and studied from several mentors and

 B. embodied everything that I learned.

I’ve taken my 5 years of sensual and embodiment wisdom, knowledge from my mentors, my personal experiences and weaved them all together to create this self-love, embodiment and sensual touch blueprint.

The last 5 years, I’ve grown so much through my sexual awakening. I’ve cultivated an embodiment and self-love practice that has gotten me through the highs and lows of life and I’ve gotten to live a life of juiciness.

Through this immersion, I will help guide you into the embodied woman that you are desiring to become. 

I know what it’s like…


Your Results

-Lambeth, Spiritual Mentor

"Káti is very intuitive and committed to helping women feel empowered and aligned! What I love most about working with her is the way she directs me back to my own intuition and higher self. She's helped me feel a deeper sense of peace and purpose around my path and decisions. And she brings levity and fun to it all!

"She's helped me feel a deeper sense of peace and purpose around my path."

Take the next aligned step by filling out the form below.

Once you fill it out, you’ll be taken to your
appointment scheduling site to where you can book a call with me.

If it’s a good fit, incredible!

You’ll be able to enroll. If not, I’ll point you to another direction!

Are you ready to transform your embodied life? 

Transform your life

And begin this journey of empowerment

Listen to your body

Xoxo, Maxima

Thanks so much for your message!
I can't wait for us to chat about and listen more about your story!
I will message you back as soon as possible!

Thank you!

  • You don’t want to wait another minute to become emotionally and sensually  liberated
  • You're done being so much in your mind and ready to be in your body
  • You’re devoted to transforming your spiritual and sensual life
  • You’re ready to step into your power of your own authentic voice
  • You’re committed to the process of self-love throughout the whole process

The Empowered Woman is a perfect for you if…

And begin this journey of love

Listen to your guidence

Xoxo, Maxima

Thanks so much for your message!
I can't wait for us to chat about and listen more about your story!
I will message you back as soon as possible!

Thank you!

Being inside of The Empowered Woman feels like a 180 transformative experience where you will tap into your most divine self and fully see each part of yourself loving it so tenderly.

You will connect to your pleasure and will be in a state of gratitude for the path that you’re embarking on. It will feel like an embrace from the earth, from your group peers supporting you and your guide in the corner cheering you through it, you will be held throughout your transformation.  

The Empowered Woman

Being Inside of


Not at all. This is a space where you’ll truly discover what it means to connect with your yoni and experience pleasure.

Do I have to have experience with having an orgasm to join?


Most definitely. It is 100% possible. As someone that's currently needing to be on medication for health reasons, I've learned to access this part of myself even deeper.

Can you experience pleasure while being on meditation?


The weekly live calls will be custom to your schedule. I’ll be offering it live teaching it 1:1 with each one of you.

When will the weekly live calls be?

Frequently asked questions

Join me on this Transformative Journey